Metacognition is approached from the perspective of Schraw & Moshman (1995), who define it as an individual's ability to understand, reflect on and control his or her own learning. This implies having knowledge about how cognition works and how to regulate it. This research was carried out in a philosophy classroom context, in which it is important to take into account that little research has been done in this area from a metacognitive perspective. However, the studies conducted so far, have shown a good performance between philosophy and metacognition, as mentioned by Worley & Worley (2019) who suggest that philosophy can improve metacognition and the existence of a useful connection between both areas. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of a learning strategies program on metacognitive performance and metacomprehension in a sample of middle school students in philosophy class in a private institution in the city of Manizales. These learning strategies are based on the work of Hattie (2009) and were adapted to be used in this intervention. To evaluate the results, the inventory of metacognitive skills MAI Huertas Bustos et al. (2014) and the inventory of metacognitive skills in reading strategies MARSI Mokhtari & Reichard (2002) were applied before and after carrying out the intervention. He results of this research mutually indicate that the MAI and the MARSI showed significant improvements in the posttest, suggesting a positive effect of the learning strategies program used. In addition, greater impact and power was observed in four of the categories evaluated. This demonstrates the importance of implementing metacognitive learning strategies in the philosophy classroom to improve students' understanding and academic performance.
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