DOI: 10.17151/rlee.2023.18.2.5
How to Cite
Ardila Muñoz, J. Y., & Molina Sosa, D. A. (2022). A Research Approach To The Use Of Gamification In Learning Programming Languages. Latinoamericana De Estudios Educativos, 18(2), 95–119.


Jimmy Yordany Ardila Muñoz
Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
Perfil Google Scholar
Diego Alejandro Molina Sosa
Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
Perfil Google Scholar


Objective: To establish potential adaptations of gamification within the framework of the teaching - learning relationship of programming languages. Materials and methods: Qualitative study in which a gamified learning for the programming area was structured, implementing as a method an adaptation of the educational action research proposed by Elliot. A written report from the students in which they expressed their perceptions about the gamified formative experience at the end of each academic period was used as a data collection instrument. The academic periods that the study was carried out were from the first academic semester of 2018 to the second academic semester of 2019. Results: It was possible to integrate the dynamics, mechanics and game elements into a learning environment which led to a reduction in the failure rates compared to the prior implementation of the study, going from 21% to 8%. Conclusions: gamification increased the motivation of the students by consolidating an emotional and transactional commitment to learn and, additionally, a learning environment based on collaboration and competition was structured.

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