DOI: 10.17151/rlee.2021.17.2.9
How to Cite
Buitrago Ocampo, C. . (2021). Music education program focused on the music-personal identity relationship in the training of deaf individuals in the city of Manizales. Latinoamericana De Estudios Educativos, 17(2), 168–183.


Catalina Buitrago Ocampo
Universidad de Manizales
Perfil Google Scholar


Objective. To establish the relationship that may arise between the representations of the deaf population in the city of Manizales regarding music. Methodology. Of a qualitative nature, using the collecting of social representations technique proposed by Abric (2001) when looking at the subjectivity of individuals. Results. The study makes possible to raise attention on the current state of the deaf community in the city of Manizales in relation to research that reflect their reality, allowing the assessment of the use of the Colombian Sign Language as an effective communication mechanism. Likewise, it gives an account of the representations that arise from deaf subjects and the way in which they manage to establish a relationship from music to the construction of their own identity. Conclusions. The results show the desire to make visible that there is a possible relationship between music and deafness, giving way to new research horizons.

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