DOI: 10.17151/rlee.2021.17.2.5
How to Cite
Largo García, N. M. . (2021). Aspects of ¨educacion propia (own education)¨ and interculturality that are woven and strengthened, in the territory of the Marco Fidel Suárez Educational Institution, el Oro community, Resguardo Indígena Nuestra Señora Candelaria de la Montaña de Riosuci. Latinoamericana De Estudios Educativos, 17(2), 70–91.


Nancy Milena Largo García
Universidad de Caldas
Perfil Google Scholar


"Educacion propia (Own education)" is of great importance for the development of training processes in the educational institution and for the survival of the indigenous people. For this reason, the main objective of this research was to understand the meaning of own education and interculturality, that shape the discourses of students at the Marco Fidel Suárez Educational Institution of Riosucio - Caldas. The ethnographic method was used for this purpose with a population of 22 Middle School students. Field diaries were completed with the observation of educational practices in the educational institution and a questionnaire established through interviews was applied in order to obtain more adequate results to what the research project  intended to carry out. Finally, a contextualized curricular proposal was designed to strengthen own education, interculturality and the curriculum accommodating and responding to the needs and expectations of the community.

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