How to Cite
Buriticá Arboleda, O. C. (2006). The teaching and learning of biomedical sciences in connection with the quality of the university medicine programs. Latinoamericana De Estudios Educativos, 2(1), 147–160. Retrieved from


Olga Clemencia Buriticá Arboleda
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


The biomedical sciences establish the conceptual theoretical and practical frame of the clinical areas in the Medicine Programs of the Universities. In spite of their location in the first periods of the career, the different aspects of their teaching and learning influence the basic conditions that will determine the quality of the program and of the University. In Colombia this quality corresponds to processes of external evaluation as an answer to the public policies through the execution of minimum conditions and accreditation. However, the quality goes beyond the official demand, professors, students and administrative personnel need to meditate on the actions and activities that they carry out, not only declaratively, but also in procedurally. This reflection exercise can be seen in an analogical way through the concept of “true insight”, used in Medicine, which will allow the detection of necessary changes and the establishment of improvement plans. When the professor and the student possess the “true insight”, they are conscious of the importance of the didactics of biomedical sciences, they become interested in knowing their different aspects and they try to look for solutions to the difficulties that are generated day by day, that is to say, they possess “intellectual and emotional insight”. However, other people can make total or partial negation of the didactics of biomedical sciences, what would be considered as insight variations. In this case, strategies could be generated so that these people can acquire the insight progressively toward the defined situation as the didactics of biomedical sciences, which would lead to the appropriation of its theoretical and practical quality.

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