How to Cite
Alonso, Ómar, & Copello, M. I. (2008). Student’s reflections of an interprofessional education course shared by two health science careers, in a context of problem based learning (pbl). Latinoamericana De Estudios Educativos, 4(2), 43–60. Retrieved from


Ómar Alonso
Universidad de la República, Montevideo
María Inés Copello
Universidad de la República, Montevideo


This study presents the results of a research whose purspos was to consider the meaning of the university students’ reflections who participated in an interprofessional education (IE) course from different health science careers (Universidad de Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay), in a context of problem-based learning (PBL). The methodology included an ethnographic study; data analysis was also performed interpretatively. The results led to addressing learning from a socio-cultural collaborative point of view that can influence the construction of significant knowledge in dynamic and complex social contexts. The text argues that interprofessional education promotes early socialization of students from the related professions and provides opportunities for the development of a collective intelligence with the potential to improve learning and professional performance.

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