Higher education institutions that decided to implement virtual education methodologies have been facing educational content integration processes in order to upload such contents in virtual platforms. The construction of these study materials has presented some drawbacks such as the length of the production process which entails an increase in the hiring budget. These processes implement production phases which are categorized by thematic content authoring, instructional design that directs content to virtuality, a technical development group that develops visual and interactive material, and a quality control process. To solve this situation and try to optimize all these times, this article proposes the design of a content editor that facilitates the management processes needed to carry out the construction of learning objects within a collaborative concept from which specific roles are assigned to a project which range from content authoring to quality control. This allows the implementation of the functions and interaction necessary to perform specific tasks simultaneously, developing a collaborative team work environment in real time of the study contents in an agile manner, thus optimizing production times and delivering quality products in the shortest time under the concept of rapid e-learning.
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