How to Cite
Ariza, . Y., Lorenzano, . P., & Adúriz Bravo , . A. (2016). Structuralist notion of “empirical comparability” and model-based science teaching. Latinoamericana De Estudios Educativos, 12(1), 11–38. Retrieved from


Yefrin Ariza
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Pablo Lorenzano
Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
Agustín Adúriz Bravo
Universidad de Buenos Aires


From the structuralist metatheory is possible to supply metatheoretical elements to guide and substantiate the current lines of work of science teaching, those on their disciplinary status, about the analysis of their object of study and on the introduction of philosophy of science contents in science and training of science teachers. This work attempts to explore some of the possible contributions that the structuralist metatheory can offer to Science teaching, establishing some relationships between current model-based teaching proposals and the considerations about Kuhn's notions of incommensurability and comparability offered by structuralist metatheory.

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