DOI: 10.17151/rlee.2017.13.2.6
How to Cite
Restrepo Pérez, O. E., Restrepo Pérez , L. M., & Jaramillo Ocampo, D. A. (2017). Training: a bet for the pedagogy of the encounter. Latinoamericana De Estudios Educativos, 13(2), 83–100.


Olga Elena Restrepo Pérez
Secretaría de Educación de Medellín
Luz Mary Restrepo Pérez
Secretaría de Educación de Antioquia
Diego Armando Jaramillo Ocampo
Universidad de Caldas


The present article is the result of a research carried out within the framework of the Masters in Education of the Catholic University of Manizales, in which the topics of Formation and Pedagogies of the Meeting were approached, which were permeated by the theory and methodologies Of the studies associated with the Social Imaginaries. Around these matters, we sought to understand the social imaginaries of the teachers of two institutions of Antioquia, about the formation and established relationships with the Other, this was achieved from the approach and design of complementarity (Murcia and Jaramillo, 2008). Said approach, recognized at first the principle of ethnographic reflexivity for the approach to the social realities of the School; Then, they were deepened through in-depth interviews and processed with support of the categorial method. The interpretation was made from the analysis of the discourse and the triangulation of the information. The results show some bets of the teachers to renew and to continuously rethink their work, becoming responsible for the Other from the welcome, the dialogue, the encounter, the look, the gesture; Committed in a determined way by an education “other”, in a school that is thought for and with the other.

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