The article arises from the research “The Senses of the Curriculum in the education of graduates at Universidad de Caldas”, a hermeneutic phenomenological work of voices and stories, a series of experiences that emerge from the human being resulting from their experiences, intersubjectivities and understandings about curriculum. The scenario to which it alludes is a public university, a sphere of discourses and paradigms, a place for the constitution of horizons of sense of the sciences and disciplines, of discursive plurality, of geo-reference of the international, national and regional context, a redefined curricular weave curriculum of phenomena that ontologically constitutes the axis of social dynamics. The findings focus on the polysemy of the curriculum which passes between times, contexts, paradigms and theoretical traditions: academia as an organized structure of knowledge, instructional plan and technological production system; the interpretation and the socio-critical for the development of an emerging and diverse curriculum, in which new meanings are imprinted on the hidden curriculum.
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