DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2024.21.29.4
How to Cite
Bastías Castillo, R., Rodríguez Musso, A., & Rumie Bertoni, M. (2024). An experience of linking with the environment from University Design. The case of the Graphic Projects Development Office of Universidad de Chile, Valparaíso Campus, in the context of the University Reform and the Popular Unity Government. Kepes, 21(29), 65–106.


Rossana Bastías Castillo

Doctora en Diseño y Comunicación

Universidad de Valparaíso
Perfil Google Scholar
Alejandro Rodríguez Musso

Magíster en Gestión Cultural

Universidad de Valparaíso
Mariena Rumie Bertoni

Magíster en Historia

Universidad de Valparaíso


The phrase «Chile needs Industrial Design», engraved in 1972 on the façade of the Department of Industrial Design of Universidad de Chile in Valparaíso (DDI/Uch-Valpo), reflected the institutional commitment to national development. This article defined as the object of study of a university initiative of linkage and cooperation with society, namely the Graphic Projects Design Office (ODPG -for its acronym in Spanish)), specifically its production of posters between 1967 and 1973, a period of significant changes in Chile. The general objective was to describe and understand, from the disciplinary and professional concern of Design, the process and results of this graphic production, in the socio-cultural context of the time, as a way to rescue and revalue it. The qualitative and exploratory research used several methodological procedures: semi-structured interviews with four former students who made up the office, review and analysis of the production of 22 posters available from the collection, selection of a representative sample, semiotic-morphological analysis and its interpretation in a conceptual framework based on the socio-political and cultural context. Among the outstanding results are: (1) The role of the State and the University Reform as an explanatory context for this initiative to link with society and the role of the academy in a process of political and socio-cultural changes. (2) The ODPG emerged to satisfy cultural and social communication needs, involving academics and students, using industrial technology. (3) This technological and creative integration enriched academic training and prepared students for their professional practice in the industry. (4) The posters produced reflect the desire for social change, popular participation and cultural identity, influenced by socio-political movements such as the Cuban Revolution and the Ramona Parra Brigade. (5) The collection of posters is considered a historical testimony of the time and of the commitment of the university to society.

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