How to Cite
Hernández M., S. M., & López A., F. . (2013). Humorousness resources in Graphic Design preceding the artistic european Avant-garde. Kepes, 10(9), 95–115. Retrieved from


Silvia María Hernández M.
Universidad de Zaragoza
Francisco López A.


Abstract:  first analysis to graphic communication disciplines such as posters, brochures or books shows the common use of humor in the practice of design. It is in the artistic avant-garde when this element shoots up not only as a humorousness resource, but also as an image builder resource. Nevertheless, there is a series of funny image building practices whose intention in origin is not precisely diverting but mnemonics, religious, magic, etc. All this series of images build the heritage of the monstrous and the unreal which connects directly with the grotesque being so close to black humor and that, in a more ludic and popular way, as it could be through advertising images, constitutes definitively evident resources for the construction of humor.

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