How to Cite
Vodeb, O. . (2006). Changes in the business of interaction (Rebelliousness as a condition for engaged subordination to the advertising authority). Kepes, 3(2), 165–194. Retrieved from


Oliver . Vodeb
University Maribor



Along with the increased commercialization of public and private sphere, as well as everyday life in general, the dominating marketing discourse has new communication practices. They are based on communication concepts, which arise mainly from the so-called media activists’ environment. They were created mostly in the field of conflict between the dominant - marketing1 and the challenging - critical discourse, in the field of constant friction, innovation, change and practical testing of communication concepts. These were instigated mainly by the capital’s colonization of the public communication sphere. Capital’s exclusive logic hinders the access to public communication sphere, for all contents and interests, critical of the capitalism’ blind logic, while at the same time driving out of the public sphere all other contents, not in the capital’s interest. The problem of public sphere communication no longer lies in the public su-premacy and pressure over or control of the private. Today we are facing the problem of the current modernity, where private interests of the owners of great financial capital, have colonized the public communication sphere to the point of robbing it of its most important quality. It lost its key dimension – the field of discussion, where various opinions are confronted, constructing the social reality through communication processes in specific ways. The primacy held by the media affects the constructional processes of social reality, thus serving mainly to the interests of those who can afford its lease. Other characteristics of the current modernity, i.e. commercialization of everyday life, information satiation and a lack of information variety, further hinder the reflection of the media from the point of view of the individual and society.

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