DOI: 10.17151/10.17151/kepes.2016.13.14.7
How to Cite
Castellanos Escobar, A. ., & Rodríguez Díaz, F. N. . (2016). Projective management of design: contributions from communication, visual thinking and design thinking. Kepes, 13(14), 141–176.


Alexis Castellanos Escobar
Universitaria Los Libertadores
Perfil Google Scholar
Fabio Nelson Rodríguez Díaz
Universidad de Boyacá
Perfil Google Scholar


This article presents the final results of the research work “Communication Projects Management: Contributions from Visual Thinking and Design Thinking”, whose main objective was to identify the importance of visual thinking and design thinking, in the proposal, construction, implementation and evaluation of projects. In the first place, a brief contextualization of the focused problem is presented through own and wellknown authors’ ideas. Subsequently, the methodology built under a qualitative approach is evidenced for which different techniques of data collection were used such as interviews to project management experts and focus groups to which project vision and project path tools were applied to underpin the creation of the Project Management Model E10 that was finally tested in workshops. Finally, the text condenses the results and conclusions among which are emphasized the importance of communication in its various manifestations (verbal, para-verbal, non-verbal, visual and written) in the management process of project work.

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