Communication in the natural science classroom is crucial for learning. This research analyzed the semantic code “semantic gravity” in chemistry classes of four teachers in the city of Manizales, Colombia. The main goal of the research was to identify how the semantic gravity of the teacher is related to the semantic gravity of the students and their performance in the topic of pH in chemistry. The research, is of a descriptive-comprehensive type, involved teachers and students from four public educational institutions. Classes were recorded and the discourse was analyzed to identify moments of weak and strong semantic gravity, corresponding to the level of remoteness or closeness to the context and daily life of the students. Discourse profiles were created for teachers and correlated with student scores on open-ended tests. It was found that a dynamic teacher discourse facilitates the learning of scientific concepts. In addition, it was found that teachers' semantic gravity profiles influence students' performance. On the other hand, it was observed that some teachers were able to relate abstract concepts with everyday situations, which motivated students to better understand the knowledge of the area of chemistry, specifically in the topic of pH.
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