DOI: 10.17151/rlee.2021.17.2.7
How to Cite
Rodríguez Leudo, A. L. ., & Raga Rosaleny, V. . (2021). On the relationship between happiness, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment of teachers in an educational institution in Medellín. Latinoamericana De Estudios Educativos, 17(2), 117–142.


Ana Lucía Rodríguez Leudo
Universidad de Antioquia
Perfil Google Scholar
Vicente Raga Rosaleny
Universitat de València
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This study carries out a qualitative, quantitative and correlational analysis of the happiness perceived by the participating teachers and its relationship with job satisfaction and organizational commitment in an educational institution in Medellín. Education plays a central role in every society, but today, with the constant reflections on educational quality, the work of teachers has become a core of research interest. For this reason, it seems relevant to pay attention to the well-being and happiness of teachers, since the degree of satisfaction they experience will be reflected in the teaching and learning processes in educational institutions. The collection instruments used are the questionnaire and the semi-structured interview. In the analysis and interpretation of the study, a significant relationship between happiness, work satisfaction and organizational commitment was identified, which is reflected in the conclusions.

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