DOI: 10.17151/rlee.2021.17.2.6
How to Cite
Bustamante Sierra, V. L. . (2021). Contributions of Human Development for the exercise of Directive Management in Educational Institutions. Latinoamericana De Estudios Educativos, 17(2), 92–116.


Vizney Leonardo Bustamante Sierra
Universidad Católica de Manizales
Perfil Google Scholar


Objective: The objective of this article is to define the contributions of Human Development, based on some contemporary theories, for those who lead the Directive Management in Educational Institutions. Method: from a hermeneutical and documentary study, the polysemy of the concept "Human Development" and the interpretative possibilities that are generated from its use in different fields of knowledge are explored. Results: Bearing in mind the transdisciplinary nature of Directive Management and its particularities, essential contributions for its study and for the fulfillment of its mission are found in the reflections on Human Development. Conclusions: For reflections on Human Development to continue being essential for other fields of knowledge such as Directive Management, it is imperative that, without forgetting the human being, the anthropocentric gaze be overcome and progress be made in the study of new forms of relationship that the human being establishes with his environment and that transform him permanently.

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