How to Cite
Alzate Torres, X. (2008). Transformation of the social reality by means of social science education. Latinoamericana De Estudios Educativos, 4(1), 63–73. Retrieved from


Ximena Alzate Torres
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


This article proposes the incorporation of education concepts to the social sciences as disciplines responsible for the formation of the individuals for the development of competences in social behavior, to be aware of one's self and the surrounding environment in order reflect upon one's condition, in such a way that they are prepared for dialog, conflict solving and the problems to which they are exposed in daily life. The four pillars of education learning to know, learning to do, learning to be and to coexist with others, must be incorporated into the education of social sciences as fundamental bases for a transformation of the current Colombian reality. Educabilty and teachability, as cores pedagogical knowledge, allow the extension of these competences and the promotion skills, not only for social behavior, but for adjusting to society as well. History, Geography and Pedagogy must be articulated and they must work toward the maximum possible protagonist to argue its direct functionality, so that the educator as an explorer takes education as a resort to guarantee by means of its institutional projects a real social transformation.

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