How to Cite
Rivas Díaz, J. (2006). Manifest on the art of teaching. Latinoamericana De Estudios Educativos, 2(1), 53–77. Retrieved from


Jorge Rivas Díaz
Centro especializado en la educación de adultos – CREFAL


The following text presents a statement on teaching’s new concept based on the situation of the education art today. It analyzes the function of the art of teaching and its main dialectical contradictions in the current state of capitalism in Latin America. It proposes a possible aesthetic concept of teaching, as well as recounting the present state of the art, and analyzes the contradiction between an education created for the return to reality, and another for the virtual immersion. This essay, in Juárez’s memory, is a contribution to the construction of a new aesthetics of the public’s education and with this, a social construction of the future order.

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