How to Cite
Molina Hurtado, M. M. (2006). Regional history and microhistory. A grancaldense necesity. Latinoamericana De Estudios Educativos, 2(2), 149–166. Retrieved from


María Mercedes Molina Hurtado
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


Knowing about history makes it possible for human beings to develop an awareness of their position within society. Therefore, it must be a subject common to everyone, no matter the profession, background, age or social strata to which they belong. Moreover, learning about, recreating or feeling their hometown history or that from the place where they live or work must become a personal goal. The commitment of teaching or knowing that history implies a responsibility, a consciousness and a set of actions that go beyond the ones usually assumed. Illustrating the idea stated above by means of the formation of Gran Caldas at the beginning of the 20th century has a very particular meaning, since this department emerged from the integration of four different regions of the country at that time, without taking into consideration politics, religious beliefs, ethnic groups or cultural differences. In less than a 60-year period, this region separated again and at the beginning of the 21st century it is considered an axis where different economic, agricultural and academic processes take place.

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