How to Cite
Quintero Corzo, J., Munévar Molina, R. A., & Yepes Ocampo, J. C. (2007). Action research and curriculum: a journey around the world. Latinoamericana De Estudios Educativos, 3(1), 123–142. Retrieved from


Josefina Quintero Corzo
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Raúl Ancízar Munévar Molina
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Juan Carlos Yepes Ocampo
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


This article sustains the manner in which action research arrives in Colombia coming from Europe, United States and Australia, among other countries, and impacts the initiatives of curricular reforms. As a growing international movement, action research involves teachers as promoters of their own professional development from their work positions. After World War II action research has been present in all the curricular reforms with the intention of giving scientific features to teaching, learning, formative processes, as well as to the development of educational institutions. A way to understand the relationship between action research and curriculum is to recognize that all over the world and during humanity’s successive historical moments, curriculum has needed reforms in order to give answers to the dissatisfaction related to the poor achievements of schools. Modern societies always expect more qualified institutions. Historically, curricular theories and practices have required the expert commitment of the actors so that they can be researchers of their own action, as well as recovering the meaning of what they do. Curricular changes and professional development of teachers are directly related to the improvement of education and with action research. Educators act autonomously in order to propose, experience, make decisions and promote curricular changes with enthusiasm and satisfaction. Grounded in interpretative social sciences, action research in curriculums allows educators to consciously renegotiate the rules and to reflexively transform social interactions. Curriculum quality is achieved through action research and educators are better-positioned to carry out changes and innovations in scenarios that offer continuous improvement.

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