How to Cite
Gómez, A. (2008). The construction of multimodal explanations: What do the diverse semiotic mediums reveal?. Latinoamericana De Estudios Educativos, 4(2), 83–99. Retrieved from


Adrianna Gómez
Unidad Monterrey, Cinvestav, Nuevo León


This work provides information on the way multi-modal explanations are constructed in school science. The article is especially interested in the specific contributions of three semiotic mediums (oral, graphic, 3d model) to the construction of the theoretical model on “sense organs and nervous system”. By means of a qualitative methodology and discourse analysis, the multimodal explanations generated in two didactic sequences, one aimed at pre-scholar children and the other at 4th and 5th grade students, were analyzed. The results showed that different semiotic mediums have a specific contribution in the construction of the model; complementary,they enrich the children’s explanations. Additionally, the teachers support the students’ performance and the social negotiation of representation, generating regulation processes.

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