How to Cite
Santamaría, L. M., Aristizábal, O., Gómez, R., Escobar, R. Y., López, M. D., Castelblanco Romero, P. J., Cifuentes, C. A., Ospina Tabares, L. M., & Murillo, J. J. (2009). Senses underlying the pedagogical practices of the normal school’s teachers. Latinoamericana De Estudios Educativos, 5(1), 71–95. Retrieved from


Luz Mery Santamaría
Escuela Normal Superior
Olivia Aristizábal
Escuela Normal Superior
Ruby Gómez
Escuela Normal Superior
Ruth Yamile Escobar
Escuela Normal Superior
María Dolores López
Escuela Normal Superior
Pr. Jubal Castelblanco Romero
Escuela Normal Superior
César Augusto Cifuentes
Escuela Normal Superior
Luz Mary Ospina Tabares
Escuela Normal Superior
Jhon Jairo Murillo
Escuela Normal Superior


The research was developed regarding the question: What are the senses underlying the pedagogical practices of the Normal School’s teachers? As specific objectives the following were proposed: to identify the senses of the pedagogical practices of the Normal School’s teachers and to carry out a confrontation between them and the institution‘s pedagogical focus (Conceptual Pedagogy). The base theory was the epistemological and methodological focus, since the main interest was to construct knowledge regarding the senses, supported by the data that were gathered using autobiographies and semi-structured interviews, carried out with five teachers. The data were analyzed using the procedure of this theory (Open, axial and selective coding). Two categories emerged, the first, the hardest, articulated the whole analytic process, associated with a worriment of the teacher regarding the obtainment of formation and learning. From the latter, two subcategories were derived, the first related to what to teach and what to learn. The second category explained a teacher’s premeditation to give answer to the control-power mechanisms that regulate and restrict the pedagogical practice. From this category, a subcategory emerged that the research group called “pedagogical discourse subordinated to the power-control mechanisms”.

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