How to Cite
Infante Castaño, G. E. (2009). The educable human being: Reasoning and feeling-a reflection on the educative labor. Latinoamericana De Estudios Educativos, 5(1), 57–70. Retrieved from


Gloria Esperanza Infante Castaño
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


This article makes reference to the different dimensions that human beings exhibit in their role as an educable subject. It also deals with the need for thorough understanding of human integrity in order to experience a holistic effective education. This reflection is based upon some theories on the relationship between intelligence and feelings, which should be considered as basic constitutive elements of the learning experience. Some ideas on the complexity of human beings regarding their relationship with reality are gathered and discussed. The concept of “sentient intelligence” proposed by Xavier Zubiri who ponders on the possibility of the intellection of feelings (the senses are intelligent and intelligence is sentient) is specially considered. Simultaneously, other experiences related to the aesthetic dimension, which recognizes beauty as the unifying principle of being, are implemented. All this process is carried out in order to, somehow, highlight the route of knowledge that enters the mind through the senses (experience), goes through the logos and ends in reason to finally find the way, by means of reflection and critique, towards the growth of the spirit used to rescue the individual’s humanity.

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