Science Education as a field of knowledge and as a sociocultural practice is currently challenged with the construction and analysis of pedagogical proposals which allow students to critically and proactively deal with the tensions and contradictions inherent to today’s world. Responding to this challenge implies, from the authors’ view point, the clearly visible social-political character of science and of teaching in order to focus on an unavoidable pedagogical challenge: scientific education in and for civility. This way, in the perspective of building roads to find conditions of possibility to achieve such purpose, this article presents, in a nonlinear sequence, some considerations about: a) the educational interest of the field of Science Education: b) the theoretical principles and more specifically the epistemological perspectives underlying the aforementioned purpose; c) the contributions of the studies on the importance of argumentation and, specifically, the debates on social-scientific issues in the teaching of scientific disciplines; and d) as a central contribution, as a kind of toolbox, a set of pedagogical approaches with their own potentials and limitations, are presented as suggestions that require questioning Natural Science teaching, a necessary condition to privilege contributions towards civilist scientific education. This is a complicated purpose as it implies taking into account at least two issues that are discussed here: on one hand, that any teaching proposal is linked to social-political education; on the other hand, that the emphasis on some educational aspects entails the fading of others.
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