DOI: 10.17151/rlee.2021.17.1.6
How to Cite
Duarte Duarte, J. B. ., Talero Sarmiento, L. H. ., & Arias Tabares, J. C. . (2021). Evaluation model of teaching-learning experiences in the area of finances and budgeting through a longitudinal study. Latinoamericana De Estudios Educativos, 17(1), 95–119.


Juan Benjamín Duarte Duarte
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Perfil Google Scholar
Leonardo Hernán Talero Sarmiento
Universidad Industrial de Santander
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Juan Camilo Arias Tabares
Universidad Industrial de Santander
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This work determines the effect of applying a continuous evaluation model in the Finance and Budgeting course at Universidad Industrial de Santander. For this purpose, a longitudinal study is designed to determine if this strategy contributes to the student's training process. The statistical study starts from the application of an instrument for collecting information on a Likert scale at the beginning and end of the pilot test, which focuses on evaluating three proposed constructs: competency-based training, communication and dedication. The results are evaluated with a paired ttest, multivariate statistical analysis, and a linear regression model. The main findings indicate that the strategy applied to Finance and Budgeting students generates an increase in their dedication to study, strengthen the focus on competencies, and generates more demand in communication, with a positive impact on the student’s academic performance.

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