DOI: 10.17151/rlee.2017.13.1.2
How to Cite
Portela Guarin, H. ., Taborda Chaurra , J., & Loaiza Zuluaga , Y. E. (2017). The curricula in students and profesors of the educational training programs at Universidad de Caldas in the city of Manizales: meaning and sense. Latinoamericana De Estudios Educativos, 13(1), 17–46.


Henry Portela Guarin
Universidad de Caldas
Javier Taborda Chaurra
Universidad de Caldas
Yasaldez Eder Loaiza Zuluaga
Universidad de Caldas


The present article is part of the results of the research project “Semiosis of pedagogy, curriculum and didactics,” which was developed with a mixed design - quantitative and quantitative, and whose guiding questions were: What is the current scope of the curriculum?; What is the meaning and sense of curricular knowledge? Given the magnitude of the study, only curriculum conceptions, their dominant ideas, and the rationales that support them are dealt with in a partial way, to finish with the meaning and sense given to the curriculum by students and professors of seven undergraduate bachelor’s programs at Universidad de Caldas in the city of Manizales.

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