DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2022.19.25.11
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Restrepo-Quevedo, D. A., González Tobón, J., Cuervo, R., Camacho, J., & Hernández-Mihajlovic, E. . (2022). Metacognitive Transcendence in the Learning of the Project Activity of Design through the Sketchbook Visuality. Kepes, 19(25), 295–324.


Diego Aníbal Restrepo-Quevedo
Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano
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Juanita González Tobón
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
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Roberto Cuervo
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
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Jorge Camacho
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Perfil Google Scholar
Edgar Hernández-Mihajlovic
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
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This article aims to report the transition from intuitive to intentional projective activities in design recorded in the visual modes of sketchbook to analyze the metacognitive processes of design students. Phenomenography was used as an empirical sampling method to diagnose the sketchbooks of industrial design and graphic design students. The observation criteria focused on describing the metacognitive characteristics of the students with respect to the way they recorded their ideas visually, which showed design-specific projective actions. This research demonstrated and codified how students externalize intentional approaches in their sketchbook iterations, which can be grouped into three representation strategies: technical, methodological, and reflective; they are related to their experiences in projective activity. Consequently, we propose a new category called metacognitive transcendence, which refers to a strategy for controlling and regulating cognitive processes to transform an intuitive action into an intentional action mediated by a cognitive artifact: the design sketchbook. Three ways of metacognitive transcendence are suggested: instrumental (technical aspects), procedural (related to projection), and comprehensive (own reflection about the project itself).

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