DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2024.21.29.7
How to Cite
Fernández Samacá, M. (2024). The objects of the colony: the arts and crafts in the city of Tunja in the 16th century, a contribution to the history of Latin American design. Kepes, 21(29), 185–211.


Martha Fernández Samacá

Doctora en Historia

Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
Perfil Google Scholar


The motivation behind this text was based on finding new paths for the history of Latin American design from its colonial past. The research addressed the study of the arts and crafts of the early colonial period and focuses its interest on those who settle in a city like Tunja, a Spanish foundation of great importance for the conquest of the territory of the New Kingdom of Granada in the 16th century and which is currently located in the central area of Colombia. The research question of the study was: What was the influence of the makers or artisans in the configuration of an “encomendera” city like Tunja, to meet the needs of those who lived there during the second half of the 16th century? and it intended to establish the functioning of the arts and crafts in the society of that moment. The problem was approached from a historical research in three methodological moments: i) definition of categories; ii) search for documents in the Archivo Historico Regional de Boyacá (AHRB) from the years 1550 to 1610, which corresponded to the years of flourishing of the city; and iii) historical development with the explanation and understanding of the social processes around the life and activity of artisans. In conclusion, they and their jobs were essential for the conquest, control of territory and the founding of the city. Within the information referenced about their arrival in the Indies, the demand for carpenters, bricklayers, stonemasons, and blacksmiths was noted from the beginning as important support for the construction of housing, tools and other trades and activities typical of the colonial economy, that were also joined by tailors, shoemakers, silversmiths, and farriers who came to satisfy a significant number of needs with interesting objects revealed by the archival documents, the reading of which was considered an approach to the history of design in the colony.

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