DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2019.16.20.4
How to Cite
Pérez Morán, E. (2019). Paisa parable, U.S. fable : character taxonomy in narcos and el patrón del mal. Kepes, 16(20), 77–95.


Ernesto Pérez Morán

Profesor Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Universidad Complutense de Madrid


Succesfull TV series Narcos close in its second season the story of Pablo Escobar and brings back memories of another production, in this case a soap opera: El patrón del mal. This title refers to the same adventures of the biggest drug dealer in the whole history of Colombia, where this TV series has had an enormous success, with not insignificant sales in the international market. A group of spanish and colombian funded researchers have been actively developing and comparing both dramas from different points of view. The script and character analysis, through a representative sample of scenes that has been subjected to an exhaustive dating, dismantles certain prejudices: neither El patrón del mal is a conventional soap opera, nor Narcos is so far from that format, while both of them are not so different after all. The main difference between the two is nationality, that influence the point of view and many other elements related to the characters, which we try to categorize into different symbolic, instrumental and narrative levels.

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