DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2022.19.26.18
How to Cite
Martínez Vérez, V., Montero Seoane, A., & Sardá Miragaya, A. . (2022). FamiliarizArte. From the tale of the wolf to the dystopia of confinement. Kepes, 19(26), 569–600.


Victoria Martínez Vérez
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
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Antonio Montero Seoane
Universidad de La Coruña
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Alba Sardá Miragaya
CIFP Ánxel Casal
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Introduction: this article analyzes the results of the FamiliarizArte Project, awared with the Spiral Award for Education at the national level. This Project uses artistic mediation through the contemplation of four Works: Xentes que ollan (People watching) by Díaz Pardo, Casas (Houses) by Antonio Tenreiro, Vista da Coruña (View of La Coruña) by Urbano Lugrís and Zoolóxico (Zoo) by Lago Rivera, belonging to the pictorial background of the Museo de Belas Artes da Coruña (Northwest Spain) in order to provoke a reflective context that allows analyzing the impact of Covid-19. Method: to do this, an activity proposal is carried out between three institutions: the CIFP Anxel Casal, which acts as a proponent, the Montealto Children's School, which hosts and promotes the project and the Museo de Belas Artes da Coruña, which donates its pictorial collection for the composition of a visual narrative that serves as a contemplative and reflective framework. Results and conclusions: the results of the project, analyzed through the qualitative panel technique (De Keulenaer, 2008), show how the chosen paintings have allowed the families of the school to build an emotional story of what happened, placing the experiences in a manageable context, which reflects on fear and shapes hope. 

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