DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2022.19.25.16
How to Cite
Pérez-Valero, M., & Bru Serrano, M. . (2022). Art-based action-research tools during confinement by COVID-19 based on the work Journey around my room by Xavier de Maistre. Kepes, 19(25), 463–498.


Manuel Pérez-Valero
Universidad de Almería
Perfil Google Scholar
Manuel Bru Serrano
Universidad de Granada
Perfil Google Scholar


This article presents research and an educational proposal on art and literature through Xavier de Maistre's book Journey around my room (1794). It is framed in the period of social confinement carried out between March and May 2020 in Spain and it has been designed and implemented in the Learning and Teaching of Artistic Drawing subject of the Master in Teaching of ESO, Baccalaureate and Vocational Training at Universidad de Almeria.

A methodology that starts with the objective of developing experiences that stimulate students from their individuality and isolation promoting reflective and practical learning in times of global pandemic is shown. Through the chosen readings, three activities are proposed around the drawing and the object that promote a creative process where students stimulate their spatial and sensory perception, as well as their creative and imaginative capacity outside the classroom.

At the same time, this work addresses, at a theoretical level, the everyday life of the room, both in the novel and in the reality of the students, provoking a dialogue between the classroom and the workshop that allows questioning the educational space, the role of the teacher and the group conscience. The variety of profiles offered by this Master (artists, designers, architects, etc.) has made it possible to provide new approaches to drawing, sculpture and teaching-learning processes in art.

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