DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2022.19.25.10
How to Cite
Villota Cuásquer, Óscar D., Salguero Mejía, C., Villegas García, M. M., & Valencia García, M. H. . (2022). Transversality exercises for a design didactic proposal. The case of Visual Design integrating workshop in times of pandemic. Kepes, 19(25), 257–293.


Óscar Darío Villota Cuásquer
Universidad de Caldas
Perfil Google Scholar
Carolina Salguero Mejía
Universidad de Caldas
Perfil Google Scholar
Margarita María Villegas García
Universidad de Caldas
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Mario Humberto Valencia García
Universidad de Caldas
Perfil Google Scholar


As a result of the quarantine decreed at the beginning of 2020 to contain the Covid-19 pandemic, educational institutions had to turn face-to-face processes to classes mediated by new technologies and virtual tools. To respond to this challenge, a Visual Design group of professors at Universidad de Caldas put forward a pedagogical proposal in the teaching of design that was applied in the Integrating workshop held during the first period of 2020 with the seventh semester students.

Transversality is the common denominator of this didactics design, which consisted in integrating most of the semester courses in the same space under a curricular model of the program that allowed nourishing and complementing content among professors and contributed to knowledge in a project comprehensive process under a practical and purposeful methodology. The proposal was consolidated as a laboratory of didactic strategies through the development of ten projects devised by the group of students, implementing Design Thinking, which resulted in an innovative teaching strategy that represents a viable trend for the teaching of design.

The conditions of the academic period were conducive to achieving a truly transversal process that yielded, among its results, a better appropriation of the concepts and contents required for the exercise of the discipline by allowing to confront and relate the themes of each course for the resolution of a specific design problem.

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