DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2022.19.25.3
How to Cite
Blanco Pérez, M. . (2022). Photography between Journalism and Audiovisual Communication students at Andalusian public universities: consumption, visual culture and a pedagogical proposal. Kepes, 19(25), 47–77.


Manuel Blanco Pérez
Universidad de Sevilla
Perfil Google Scholar


The irruption of smartphone technology in the field of photography has caused profound disruption in the consumption, creation and dissemination of images. This sector, like no other, has undergone severe reformulations in the last decade: the death of SLR photography at the hands of digital (DSLR) photography, and the death of the latter, in turn, at the hands of smartphones, all with the background of the network society. This situation deserves a deep academic reflection. A methodology based on a total of 361 students of photography subjects of the Andalusian communication Faculties (Universidad de Sevilla, Universidad de Cádiz, Universidad de Málaga and Universidad de Granada) has been designed for this research. Andalucía has been chosen because it is the autonomous community with more inhabitants in Spain, which is why the Andalusian Communication Faculties have a lot of weight in the Spanish academic scene and, in addition, it has obvious links with Latin America, which is one of the hallmarks of the Andalusian public university. This has given the possibility, on the one hand, to become aware of how these communication students relate to the photographic medium today (after the implementation of the European Higher Education Area) but, above all, based on this diagnosis, it has allowed to articulate, in the middle of the COVID-19 era, a pedagogical proposal for the teaching of photography in the university educational context that has been implemented in the 2020/21 academic year at the public Universidad de Cadiz, and whose implementation was approved the previous academic year. A new survey measured the degree of student satisfaction. It has been a proposal of praxis designed for the visual literacy of students (ability to interpret and create imageries from the study of visual language). This exercise in creativity is a fundamental competence for the practice of the communication profession.

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