How to Cite
Muñoz Tenjo, H. . (2014). Link design- aesthetics- learning appropriation in interactive exhibits. Kepes, 11(10), 209–225. Retrieved from


Humberto Muñoz Tenjo
Universidad de Caldas



The theoretical and conceptual elements from which established questioning about what happens with the interaction in an interactive exhibit and how this can clarify the role design plays in such field are related in this article. Similarly, some of the issues and history which gave rise to this research as well as to the defined methodological approach are related. The article discusses how the design- aesthetics-learning link is defined by experience. The hybrid physical world that constitutes an exhibit is confronted with reality and the experience of visitors in a changing groupal-spatial-temporal situation from which, and in interaction with the exhibit, the visitor constructs his experience. It is an embodied esthetic experience product of the visitor’s contact with the concrete real world that the exhibition produces. This is why when a visitor is confronted with an object or an exhibition, he or she is directly confronted with its design. As far as the act of creation that gives origins and embodies the interactive exhibit, this in turn originated with the purpose to contribute in the Social Appropriation of Science and Technology –SAS and T in Colombia.

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