How to Cite
Morales Moras, J. . (2014). Innovation in designing educational videogames fictional worlds. A shift towards more open to meaningful participation and learning environments. Kepes, 11(10), 167–193. Retrieved from


Joan Morales Moras
Universidad de Caldas



This article is based on the conclusions of an earlier work in which it was possible to observe an evolution of the educational video games design from more conventional approaches to more innovative ones. In this article the focus is on the innovation opportunities that have been detected in the design of the fictional world (gameworld) of educational videogames, especially on what concerns a more meaningful participation of players, which would facilitate a more constructivist learning approach. Using our own analysis parameters on the gameworld story lines, characters and settings, a sample of video games that included examples of games with different levels of options for the player participation was analyzed and three groups were organized ranging from the more closed to the more participatory, in terms of the definition of characters, scenarios and story lines. The first group presents a fully defined and closed gameworld; the second allows you to choosing among a limited number of characters and settings, while the third gives the players the option to build their own characters and scenarios, and even influence the story lines. In this sense, it was possible

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