How to Cite
Londoño L., F. C., & Castañeda M., W. . (2013). Transmedia: A proposal for the production of educational contents. Kepes, 10(9), 199–220. Retrieved from


Felipe César Londoño L.
Universidad de Caldas
Walter Castañeda M.


This article reports some results of a project carried out at Universidad de Caldas, which seeks to inquire about video games technical and pedagogical attributes. Video games provide some faculties to the learning processes of children, adolescents and adults. Video games may be directed to fields such as culture, citizenship, social behavior and spatial thinking among others. However, from another perspective, video games are questioned because it is assumed that their contents are not educational, and for various reasons the educational institutions, consider them an obstacle to achieve pedagogical competences. Nevertheless, recent reports, such as those developed by ToineManders (n.d.), ( for the European Parliament, reveal the habits of children and adolescents on the use of the Internet and social networks. The report highlights the importance of the use of video games for social interaction and learning processes. Manders’s report, states that predominantly harmless and non-violent games can be used by children and adolescents with educational purposes and contribute to the development of knowledge and various skills crucial in the 21st century.
Based on the above, the project: “Appropriation of ICT’s in libraries, based on video game environments”, structures an interactive platform that serves as the basis for the development of an open online course. The platform comes from a process of reflection from various angles, which understood the historical, social and aesthetic dimensions of video games. The purpose of the platform is to enable the acquisition of knowledge around the importance of ICT’s and video games for learning processes, especially in the context of the Public Libraries Network and Library Services in the country. In addition, the platform comes with the development of a video game, with a theme which encourages reading and Colombian cultural heritage, developed by a company through a national call.

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