How to Cite
Mejía A., V. . (2013). IMAGO MUNDI. The case Le Corbusier´s modernity. Kepes, 10(9), 117–128. Retrieved from


Valentina Mejía A.
Universidad de Caldas


Abstract:This article is a philosophical approximation from architecture to the world it creates and that precedes the XX Century convulsive scenario whose world project was born, at least in the topic of interest for this article, with the Avant-garde and would solidify completely with the advent of the Architecture Modern Movement incarnated in Le Corbusier. The reflection around architecture presented in this article has been called “Imago Mundi, the case of Le Corbusier’s Modernity” because of the way in which the image, the projection was conceived and as some detractors would consider it, the nemesis of what would become one of the greatest bets of the renewed or redefined western rationality and that, in the author’s perspective, has not stopped growing while others have buried it. This article recalls without any doubt Otl Aicher’s text called The World as Design, with which it is searched fundamentally to offer a theoretical alternative that allows showing the panorama -in large part anguished- of the world created which precedes us and against which the question whether it would be worth it, as García Canclini suggests, to finish creating.

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