How to Cite
Arrieta L., A. M. (2012). Transmedia: A proposal for the production of educational contents. Kepes, 9(8), 205–216. Retrieved from


Ana Maria Arrieta L.
Universidad de Caldas



This document shows a reflection emerged from the need to promote the incorporation of ICTs and the digital environment logics into the educational dynamics. The document starts proposing modernity, post-modernity and trans-modernity as social moments that have been contributing, each one from its particular way, to the configuration of the present historical moment, from whcih Internet is highlighted as the communication platform and as the repository for content production and media convergence. A second moment in the document shows the the characteristics and the constitutive elements of transmedia storytelling.. The third moment describes observations carried out within an experimental space focused on the introduction of technologies to the teaching training practices. Finally, the text presents conclusions and recommendations emerging from the implementation of transmedia storytelling in educational content production.

Bauman, Zygmunt. (s.f.). Modernidad Líquida. Argentina. Fondo de Cultura económica. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Jenkins, Henry. (2008). Convergence Culture: La cultura de la convergencia de los medios de comunicación. New York University. Ediciones Paidós.

Landow, George. (2009). Hipertexto 3.0: Teoría Crítica y nuevos medios en la era de la Globalización. Ediciones Paidós. Barcelona.

Lévy, Pierre. (2007). Cibercultura. Informe al consejo de Europa. Editorial Antrophos. Barcelona.

Rodríguez, Rosa María. (2004).Transmodernidad. Editorial Antrophos. Barcelona.

Fuentes electrónicas
Blog.Experimentos digitales.Recuperado de:> Consultado el: 03/04/2012.

Dussel, Enrique. (s.f.). Un diálogo con Gianni Vattimo: De la Postmodernidad a la Transmodernidad. Revista electrónica: Aparte Rei: Revista de Filosofía. Recuperado de: Consultado el: 03/04/2012.Narrativas Transmediáticas aplicadas a la educación Recuperadode: Consultado el: 03/04/2012.

Transmedia Storytelling Narrative. Recuperado de: Recuperado de: 03/04/2012.


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