How to Cite
Cano R., C. M. (2011). The Political conflict on young people as a aesthetic phenomenon of contemporary clothing. Kepes, 8(7), 187–202. Retrieved from


Carlos Mario Cano R.
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana.



The traditional public sphere is being overwhelmed by communities of practice formed by young people who identify themselves with not very traditional ideologies of our environment, such as the skinhead, the gothic and the emo movements. These communities of practice are object of physical aggression and persecution from other young people groups (such as punks and heavy metal fans) and society in general. Even if this persecution could have been seen at the beginning as non acceptance of the way they have assumed aesthetic representation elements on their bodies, hides an exclusionary political alibi directed to the unacceptance of the ideologies proposed by these young communities. This text is the synthesis of the Political Science Master’s Thesis entitled Biopolitics and Cyberspace (2010), that has as central topic the analysis of the new ways in which contemporaneity states political conflicts in which corporality would be a field that promotes practices with the purpose of creating a relationship between the construction of individual identity and collective identity, as well as power relationships underlying these situations. This analysis is framed not only in what is known as Michael Foucault’s Biopolitics, but also in Pierre Bourdieu’s contributions related with the field and habitus concepts.

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