How to Cite
Margolin, V. . (2011). Design and risk of change. Kepes, 8(7), 57–82. Retrieved from


Victor . Margolin
University of Illinois at Chicago


Abstract: “Design and the Risk of Change” is connected with the complexities of imagining the world as the destination of initiatives of meaningful change and then as how some of these initiatives could be formulated by de design community. As Ulrich Beck, Anthony Giddens and other sociologists have stated it, effectively we live in a society of risk most of which is caused without noticing by our won actions. Risk is the risk to change the world in which we live for a better one where those problems torturing us presently such as climate change, poverty and military threats, do not have the same influence level in our lives. I talk about the risk of creating a new sustainability culture in which we can live closer to ecological principles and to the social justice ideals that have been articulated in a series of documents such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 

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