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Mallol Esquefa, M. . (2008). Design and reality. Kepes, 5(4), 73–106. Retrieved from


Miquel Mallol Esquefa
Universidad de Barcelona



This text is a comprehensive study on the projectional character of design as the foundation of its cultural commitment. The research to date has focused on an assessment of the presence of the notion of project in the history of Western philosophy. This article starts off from the studies carried out on critical methodology in various academic fields and in the articles by Jean-Pierre Boutinet on the emblematic character of project in culture, which is noted here on several occasions with the words “projectional indispensability”. The results have been exhibited and reviewed in various specialized academic events. The question regarding the reality of design is the origin of the content dealt with in this particular case, and it’s based on the reading of certain texts by Franz Brentano on the “internalized” vision in the projectional process. By expanding on the notion of intentio, which the author recovers from the philosophical tradition, it is concluded that the reality that design refers to, can only be the spontaneous discussion on sharing, the coincidence of all the aspirations involved, directly and indirectly, in the specific productions of devices. But this spontaneous sharing, this coincidence only happens very occasionally, and meanwhile, the reality of design only appears as an absence, or even a loss.

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