DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2021.18.23.13
How to Cite
Osorio Andrade, C. F., Murcia Zorrilla, C. P., & Rodríguez Orejuela, A. . (2021). Effect of the use of models in online publications on the generation Electronic Word-of-Mouth. Kepes, 18(23), 375–400.


Carlos Fernando Osorio Andrade
Universidad del Valle
Perfil Google Scholar
Claudia Patricia Murcia Zorrilla
Universidad Libre Cali
Perfil Google Scholar
Augusto Rodríguez Orejuela
Universidad del Valle
Perfil Google Scholar


The purpose of this research is to establish the effects of the popularity and gender of the models used in Facebook posts on the generation and/or the dissemination of Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) by users of said social network. To accomplish the objective, 300 brand publications from the three Colombian mobile phone companies with the largest number of followers on Facebook were analyzed. Through content analysis, publications are coded based on the type of celebrity they used and, subsequently, a robust Poisson regression model is applied to test the proposed hypotheses. The results suggest that the use of famous celebrities increases the participation of users through eWOM, while the use of common models decreases this  participation. On the other hand, the use of male models significantly improves the rate of reactions and shared content with respect to female models. The findings make a contribution to the scarce literature in charge of analyzing the influence of the use of advertising models on eWOM. In addition, it raises managerial recommendations that can be applied by brands in their social networks to increase the interaction of their users.

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