How to Cite
Llorca, J. (2007). Film music as a visual paraphrase. Kepes, 4(3), 171–192. Retrieved from


Joaquín Llorca
Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña.


The possibility of integrating sound and image generated a transcendental turn within the registerable audio-visual production on some support. Music, that has always had a traditional relation with the visual arts and representation, has assumed a role that has molded its form until carrying out, in most cases, a functional role creating and describing emotions. Yet, it is a reductionist vision to completely separate music from the rest of sounds heard to on screen at the time of creating a piece, whose two main materials are light and sound. For some reason the part of the film that contains all the audio, including music is called the “soundtrack”. The present text integrates reflections of an always incomplete research and in constant development.

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