How to Cite
Gómez Alzate, A. ., & Londoño López , F. C. . (2009). Networks and interaction in urban dynamics. Kepes, 6(5), 39–70. Retrieved from


Adriana Gómez Alzate
Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña
Felipe C. Londoño López



New information technologies are present in developing countries, with a huge potential for their use in the search for strengthening and social interaction in education and citizen information. Currently, it is imperative that societies strongly bet on new technologies, in order to enter the information world and avoid the isolation and marginalization which they may increasingly face, if they don’t implement within their policies strategies that allow communities to quickly assimilate the progress and the possibilities offered by the access to digital networks. Accepting new elements does not mean losing one’s values; on the contrary, new technologies can be implemented within a participatory and open concept, which facilitates the assimilation of knowledge, as well as actions leading to a more democratic environment. In Colombia, the current social situation due to the conflict and isolation of social groups marginalized by territorial lines of power and imaginary barriers between social classes that divide cities makes it necessary to create new forms of communication and contact between different communities. New technologies present new ways to produce these forms of interaction. The purpose of the research “Interaction, Public Space and New Technologies” is to use and implement new technologies in urban areas and different social groups in order to strengthen and improve knowledge of their culture, education and public information. The most important thing is to create a new “contact”, a new exchange point, under the support of technologies and digital networks. To reach this goal, the research is carried out in the Andean region, specifically in the city of Manizales and its surrounding areas. This cultural area is closely tied to the coffee economy, but their ties are stronger in several respects from foundational origins, lifestyle, urban-rural relationship, geography and landscape, artistic and popular expression, etc., which can be strengthened to establish new experiences through continuing interaction, which is what enables the computerized world today. The main interaction scenario proposed by the project is the relational space for public use that requires a reassessment so that it maintains its ability to convene and link citizens. The research originated in the Urban Planning and Multimedia Engineering Doctorates, in which the researchers were involved at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Spain). From there, together with the architect Alejandro Echeverri, and later, with the engineer Mario Valencia, a research to be carried out in Colombia was proposed. Later it would be presented in several events like the Forum of Cultures in Barcelona (Spain), the World Forum in Sao Paulo (Brazil), the culture forum held in Manizales in 2004, in various meetings of design and culture research, and at the International Image Festival (Festival Internacional de la Imagen) held in Manizales. Participation in several of these events, allowed the possibility of confrontation with other projects and similar experiences, as well as to become a part of networks that allowed the project’s continuity and dissemination, and support for future processes.

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