How to Cite
Alzate, A. G. (2005). The visual environmental design methodological proposal for analysis and intervention. Kepes, 2(1), 31–45. Retrieved from


Adriana Gómez Alzate
Universidad Politécnica deCataluña, España.



The study of the different visual scales in the urban atmosphere is an aspect that must be considered in Environmental Visual D esign as a discipline of projects. For this purpose the existing relation between landscape, urban void and surrounding surface was taken as a starting point, from the conception of urban atmosphere as a system that requires a theoretical and methodological base for the approach to a suitable projectation. The definition of «landscape» as a fragment of the atmosphere perceived within a space—time, and the idea of «void» as relational visual space, establishes a complex interaction between atmosphere and space, which requires particular analyses instruments for its projectation. On the other hand, surrounding surface, defined by the color and the environmental graphic, establishes two areas of performance where  nvironmental Visual design can contribute in an important way to the transformation of the surroundings. Because of this, the application of a methodology that facilitates the holistic understanding and the possibilities of performance in the landscape on different scales is proposed, that allows the integration of its component parts, understood, not as the simple sum of units, but within a relational focus, where the simultaneousness of events as a whole conforms a dynamic and opened system. This essay proposes understanding landscape as a «dynamic visual system», in regards to its structural function, its visualization and its constant transformation and change. It is necessary, for this, to understand its phenomenology, by means of objective knowledge of reality; its sensorial analysis, through visual perception at human scale, that is the main reason of landscape, and the valuation of its image, from its aesthetic appreciation and its cultural meaning. These three aspects, studied integrally, permit an ethical vision in the study of the performances within the landscape and its planning, since, when understanding them as complementary aspects, specialized actions can be avoided, either if these are exclusively functionalists or formalists, which have not favored the integral development of landscape.

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