This article, derived from the research project “Diagnosis of training needs for ecotourism and natural resources in the province of Tungurahua”, addresses the creation process of Tisaleo, a small canton of Ecuador’s Andean highlands destination brand. The study contrasts two perspectives on the touristic image and their effect as a claim from a qualitative approach. On one hand, a group of local graphic designers proposed a series of corporate identity manuals which address the characteristics they have perceived as significant in the canton. On the other hand, an interdisciplinary and international researchers team prepared a report on the potential attractive areas for a segment of travelers interested in tourism based on “cultural landscape”. The final dissertation concludes that the image of a touristic destination, besides representing the characteristics proper of the physical location, should take into consideration that the visitors’ gaze can associate in their imaginary some evocative element of what the visitor’s profile who wants to be attracted expects to find.
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