DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2016.13.13.5
How to Cite
Tornero, P. . (2016). Contemporary Artistic-Scientific Epistemology: An Unresolved Paradox. Kepes, 13(13), 73–97.


Paz Tornero
a Universidad Complutense de Madrid


This article exposes a brief review of the contemporary artistic epistemology and its practice in techno-scientific fields as the research object in the production of works of art. The encounter among antagonistic disciplines such as science and technology giving room to bio-art, eco-art, nano-art or virtual environments and tele-presence, experimental sound and image, robotics, and satellite art among others, should be considered in this case. Another objective is to analyze the artists’ creative capacity and their peculiar vision to new scientific and ecological paradigms in order to generate new knowledge, critical thinking, and innovations, and provide solutions to significant problems of social interest out of the techno-scientific secrecy

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