DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2018.15.17.6
How to Cite
Cabrera Martínez, O. . (2018). The Evolution of the Prosumer and Brands in the ITC era. Kepes, 15(17), 119–150.


Octavio Cabrera Martínez
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
Perfil Google Scholar


This article presents a review to the issue of the ICTs user from his role as a consumer and generator of content, as well as the effects of the participation of citizens in the processes of communication and marketing of a brand through the Web. The evolution of the prosumer mediated by ICTs and the shaping of his behavior around the brands he follows and consumes are analized, taking the Web as a superior platform for the development of the user-enterprise symbiosis. The literature and research developed about the participation of citizens in their own construction and modification of contents belonging to the brands and their massive dissemination using digital media is reviewed.

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