DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2018.15.18.12
How to Cite
Salguero Mejía, C. . (2018). Uses of design for the representation of a neighborhood and the restitution of its territorial memory. Kepes, 15(18), 313–346.


Carolina Salguero Mejía
Estudios Territoriales
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The purpose of this article is to present a methodological process that, as a research result, seeks to deal with urban changes known as urban renewals, increasing the importance of the experiences of the inhabitants in the city spaces over its materiality. This proposal, which combines the disciplines of territorial studies and design, applies social methodologies that, from an empirical point of view, propose new strategies and theoretical-practical approaches. The document starts with the reflection on the territory and neighborhood categories to then account for the urban fractures that, as scars, burst into the landscape and alter the social and spatial dynamics. Later on, there is a reflection on the category of memory and its relationship with the territory which, considered as a space for appropriation and life experiences, allows the understanding of the relation between places and their memories. Finally, the design of a social interaction tool is proposed that conducts the imaginary reconstruction of the neighborhood in a space that transcends the physical space. The so-called metaterritory is the restitution of the inhabitant’s memory and the territorializing of their memories, that allow them to keep it alive. This contribution shows what is not relevant when thinking about the transformations of the city in which the physical and material is pondered before the meaning. This is why alternatives are sought for participation of the affected populations to participate, as they are generally not taken into account in the decisions. The application of mental maps and social cartography, as well as interviews and other methods, help in the collection of data and the participation of social actors in urban construction, while taking into account their interests.

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